28 Sep Are we there yet? The evolution of vehicle electrification in the UK
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) in the UK is set to be one of the most imperative changes to help the nation achieve net zero by 2050. This is due to transport currently being the largest emitting sector of the UK economy, emitting 25% of total greenhouse gas emissions. With passenger cars taking up 52% of those emissions. The new five-year delay on the ban of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, presents even more obstacles in the way of progress towards automotive electrification.
Current barriers towards the electrification of vehicles
The National Infrastructure Commission has warned that the government will miss its target of 300,000 chargers by 2030. To stay on track, the charger instillation rate would have to increase to 154%. To put it into context, globally, there are around 10 EVs per public charger, in China, there are 7 per charger. The UK, however, has 36 EVs per public charger.
Additionally, it’s expected that once EV charging is in full swing, it will require considerable amounts of energy, much more than we use today. This poses the question, is our energy infrastructure ready?
Positive moves towards the electrification of vehicles
More than one in five new car registrations this August were electric. Additionally, the UK’s only dedicated manufacturing plant for EV’s opened in Cheshire in the summer. The demand is clearly there, however, is this enough to restore faith in the EV infrastructure strategy?
The government’s electrification strategy has set out to “remove charging infrastructure as both perceived, and a real, barrier to the adoption of EVs”. There are goals, targets and strategies set out, but the proof is in the pudding. Collective working and continuous funding into the EV network will help us to tackle these challenges head on.
At Dawson Shanahan, we’re supporting the EV sector by providing electrical and electromechanical connectors for e-mobility applications, for use in both commercial vehicles and power generation. The high-power connectors that we offer are produced from high-conductivity materials that are vital to minimise power losses in charging applications.
Recent industry events that we’ve visited such as Autolink automotive conference and Cenex Low Carbon Vehicle and Connected Automated Mobility Event, show a promising uptake in the interest of electrification for both consumers and businesses alike. And plenty of innovation on the horizon to meet the challenges head-on.
To read more about our work in EV power connectors click here