New guide explains how to achieve greater value through total precision engineering

New guide on total precision engineering

New guide explains how to achieve greater value through total precision engineering

A new guide, published by leading precision engineering specialist Dawson Shanahan, reveals how an integrated approach to component manufacturing can ensure high productivity and reliable quality.

The free guide explores every step in the component manufacturing process, explaining the benefits of a total precision engineering approach. Readers will learn how to eliminate complex supply networks, delivery complications, long lead times and higher levels of in-process inventory, by replacing them with a fully integrated, one-stop solution that covers the full component lifecycle.

It’s a must-read for engineers operating in high value manufacturing sectors such as aerospace, automotive and power generation, providing invaluable information to help simplify the supply chain and achieve greater value. Component design, materials used, quality systems, tooling, downstream activities and through-life improvements are all covered in the comprehensive free resource.

“Total Precision Engineering is not just about the tolerances achievable in a particular process step,” explains Jeff Kiernan, Commercial Director at Dawson Shanahan. “It requires meticulous attention to multiple dimensions and demands sophisticated management.

“The new guide we’ve published explains how to take control of every step in the component manufacturing process to minimise costs, enhance efficiency, safeguard quality and speed up turnaround times.”